Health, Safety and Environment

At Austroid Corporation, Health and Safety responsibilities are integral to the way we do business.

Successfully managing Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) issues is an essential component of our business strategy.

Through observance and encouragement of this Policy we assist in protecting the environment and the overall wellbeing of all our stakeholders especially our employees, clients, contractors, and the communities with which we work.

To achieve these objectives, we will identify HSE risks arising from our activities and reduce them to reasonably practical levels. Our goal Is to minimise the impact to our employees, our communities and all others who could be affected by our activities. 

Austroid management will take a proactive approach towards creating safe work environments for all employees and will be:

  • Accountable for promoting continued health and safety education and training for all employees
  • Assigning responsibility for all aspects of the program including supervision and resources
  • Continuously reviewing the program to identify potential areas of improvement and ensuring thorough evaluations of all incidents
  • Require that our health, safety, and environment procedures and management plans comply with legislative requirements and relevant codes or standards
  • Develop and implement measurement and reporting tools that encourage proactive health, safety and environment management and based on thong measurements, recognize excellent HSE performance

To emphasis our continuing commitment to HSE issues we will adhere to Austroid’s health and safety principles, defining Austroid’s health, safety and environment culture and address issues such as accountability, training, communication, resources, engineering design and performance measurement.

We seek continual improvement in the performance of all our activities and expect each employee to actively support our health, safety, and environmental programs. We will maintain awareness of health, safety and environmental matters so that we are proactive in providing an operation which improves and adds value to the directors and all employees.

This awareness is achieved through education, communication, and measurement of the goals and standards appropriate to our operation.