
The communities where we live and work are fundamental to our business. 

Our Community

The communities where we live and work are fundamental to our business. They include First Nation peoples, landowners, governments, business partners, civil society groups, neighbours and our colleagues. We aim to contribute to a shared future and positive legacy by developing lasting relationships with people, learning about and supporting their goals and aspirations, avoiding or mitigating adverse impacts and respecting connections to land.

At Austroid, our purpose is to bring people and resources together to build a better world. We believe we are successful when we work in partnership with communities to achieve long-term social, environmental and economic outcomes. We aim to create and contribute to social value in the communities where we operate through the positive social and economic benefits generated by our core business, our engagement and advocacy on important issues, and our contribution as community partners.

Local Communities

Austroid seeks meaningful long-term relationships that respect local cultures. Where we can, we employ local people and purchase local goods and services through our supply chains, and we contribute to broader regional and national economies by paying taxes and royalties. We aim to support the development of diversified and resilient local economies and contribute to quality-of-life improvements that continue beyond the life of our operated assets.

We endeavour to treat all stakeholders with respect and build trust through open and honest relationships. This helps us achieve a clear understanding of the context and impacts of our activities and informs how we can make a meaningful contribution to economic and social development. Austroid is committed to make a positive contribution to communities where we operate and minimise adverse impacts where these cannot be avoided.